Saturday, August 16, 2008

How UiTMT students can improve their English.

Nowadays, English is very important to everyone especially to UiTMT students. They should improve their English because English is very important and it will always be use in our daily life. There are many ways that they can use to improve their English.

One of the ways is always practice to talk in English with their friends or with their lecturer. They don’t have to afraid that they will wrong in grammar or in their pronunciation. They must always keep talking whenever you have a chance to talk or to test your skill, just do it. You even can assume the situation and talk to yourself. They don’t have to worry about mistake because everyone makes their mistake.

Beside that, UiTMT students should always reads the English material to improve their English. They can always read the English materials like newspaper, novel, magazines and the others, with that material they will learn something useful and get many information. They also should begin to read that all this kind material from now to improve their English.

Furthermore, their lecturer also should teach their student in English for all subjects. It will make UiTMT students easier to learn and understand in English. When they learn in English they will more understand and can practice in their class to improve their English.

In conclusion, there many ways that UiTMT student can do to improve their English. English is very useful right now and we need to learn English to communicate with other person from outside our country.